theSmallest-dick's Offline Chat Room
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Was online 1 day ago
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Model is offline, but still available for chatting
Goal: 60 tk I want to play a game, fucking cold here
Take tshirt off it's super green
King of the room:Tip 10 tk in total!
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Happy Valentine's day ladies
Kissing my big black cat Zuki
Keep those eggs wet x
Live long, wet and prosper
Happy Mother's day people of Ukraine!
Women's day
Women's day is sexist and is every day since you are equal to men, so why should you get special gender treatment. My good boy Zuki deserves special treatment but he could have been a girl. As I was doing some work for a customer in June 2012, she had a cat who just gave birth to kittens. In between work I would play with the cat mother and her new born kittens as they were growing quick. Then somehow wanted the black weakest kitten. He now grew up to be a pretty big cat and he's going to establish his own cute, intelligent and occasionally freakishly vicious when injured cat race, whom we will have to defend against in a thousand years like in Futurama. Bite my shiny metal arse, b**** ;p
I love a bit of games but usually prefer to socialize. I like most sports like swimming, basketball, gymnastics, mma and prefer to play them than watch. I like Pokemon Red on pc on emulator, Unreal Tournament pre-alpha, Total War Warhammer 2 - 40K and chess. I remember Goldeneye on N64 and V-Rally on maybe PS1. I hate Minecraft, boring ;p
About me
Wanted to do something crazy for my birthday on 6th September and thought I would do something here and other sites just to get some money towards charities, like for animals and our environment. Yeah I'm a Virgo. Help animals even if they are not your pets. Thank you beautiful people with lovely personalities for being kind, caring and supportive during the tough times. Even if it doesn't seem like it, I do appreciate it. What's the right thing to do? To help others without expecting anything in return,, just cos it's the right thing to do
The Spirit of christmas
For Christmas I would like to like and be able to say nicer/ more positive things to people, because you would be so lovely that I would want to be nice to you
Defeating Ultima weapon
I have a little bit of a thing with 9999 after playing Final Fantasy games, a lot from around 2001. Also it's associated with infinity. FF VIII was my favourite whilst most people seemed to like FF VII which has a remastered but I want a proper FF VIII remastered
Be well kitty Universe x
Я иду спать, пожалуйста, не будите меня.
Продолжать выполнять свое новогоднее обещание быть добрее к людям, особенно в трудные времена. Желаю уважаемому Владимиру Владимировичу Путину и народу России доброго дня, с любовью, хватит бомбить и мучить невинных! Я иду спать, пожалуйста, не будите меня.
Mother's day
Wishing the people of Ukraine a happy mother's day. Sorry wrong date because it's now UK's mother's day
A beautiful and wonderful time full of, ooh beautiful hair, wetness and Meeeeaaaw Fuck it now slut!
New Years resolution
For New year of 2022 keep going, relentless at everything ;p constant improvement. Try to be nicer to people unless they really, really deserve it

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Take shirt off200
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